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Top 10 craziest animal experiments / by Xu Lin, January 14, 2014 Adjust font size:

 The isolated head of a dog

The isolated head of a dog, one of the 'top 10 craziest animal experiments' by

The isolated head of a dog [File photo]

What could be more horrific than creating a two-headed dog? What about keeping the head of a dog alive away from its body? In 1928, Soviet physician Sergei Brukhonenko invented a peculiar heart-lung machine that he called an "autojector," which successfully kept the severed head of a dog alive. He displayed one of his living dog heads at an international scientific conference. To prove his achievement, he did a series of tests, including shining a light in dog’s eyes to make it blink and hitting the table with a hammer to make the head react.
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