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Nigerian president to visit Cameroon for talks on Boko Haram

Xinhua, June 24, 2015 Adjust font size:

Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to visit Cameroon for talks on the war against terrorism after the Islamic month of fasting Ramadan, the presidency said in a statement Tuesday.

Presidential spokesperson Femi Adesina said Buhari accepted on Tuesday an invitation from President Paul Biya to visit Cameroon for talks on enhancing cooperation between Nigeria and neighboring countries in the war against terrorism.

The invitation was delivered to the president by Sadi Rene Emmanuel, Cameroon's Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization.

The statement said Buhari had agreed to visit Cameroon for the high-level talks soon after the end of the Ramadan fast.

The Nigerian leader has been reiterating the need for greater regional and international cooperation in the fight against terrorism and had announced that he would be moving Nigeria's military command from Abuja to Maiduguri, the northeast Borno State capital, to join forces with neighboring countries in eliminating Boko Haram insurgents, who have been causing chaos in the region with attacks that have killed scores of people. Endite