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New Zealand government welcomes Iran nuclear deal

Xinhua, April 3, 2015 Adjust font size:

The New Zealand government Friday welcomed news that an agreement has been reached that lays out parameters for a deal on Iran's nuclear program.

"The announcement from the P5+1 (United States, Britain, France, Russia, China and Germany) and Iran is a significant development, which opens the way for a comprehensive agreement," Foreign Minister Murray McCully said in a statement.

"A final agreement on Iran's nuclear program will have a positive impact on regional stability in the Middle East, and give scope for the further expansion of New Zealand's relations with Iran," he said.

"New Zealand fully supports the P5+1 process, and commends the leadership being shown by all parties at this latest round of talks," said McCully.

"While the negotiations are complex, the agreement which has been reached in Lausanne provides a roadmap and demonstrates the goodwill on all sides. We hope this momentum can now be converted into comprehensive agreement by June 30."

The five world powers and Iran are aiming to draft a comprehensive nuclear accord by June 30. Endi