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Global Wastewater Initiative (GW2I), March 26, 2015 Adjust font size:

Operational structure

1. Management and coordination arrangements

The management and coordination arrangements for the GW2I are important to give the partnership a clear structure, thereby enabling it to achieve its objectives. The proposed structure is that the GW2I will be composed of a Partnership Forum, an International Steering Committee and a Secretariat, to be provided by UNEP. UNEP, subject to the availability of resources, will: provide administrative and secretariat support; facilitate the reporting of the Partnership to governments, including, where appropriate, the UNEP Governing Council or its subsidiary bodies (including IGR-4); support fundraising activities on behalf of the Partnership; provide guidance and technical assistance to the Partnership Areas; encourage new partners to participate in the Partnership, as appropriate; and be a member of the Partnership Steering Committee.

2. Partnership Forum

It is proposed to have a biennial Conference of all the members of the Partnership (to be known as the Partnership Forum), to:

review the work programme and performance of the Partnership in respect of meeting its objectives;

review proposals and make recommendations on the broad areas of focus for the Partnership;

discuss other matters as may be decided by the Conference.

3. Partnership Steering Committee

A Partnership Steering Committee will be established to serve the Partnership. The composition, roles and responsibilities of the steering committee will be defined at the first GW2I meeting. The GW2I Partnership Steering Committee members will select a Chair who may serve for a two year term. UNEP will act as the Secretariat for and be a member of the Steering Committee. It is proposed that the GW2I Partnership Steering Committee meet on an annual basis and at such other times as deemed necessary. Meetings may be in person, by conference call or by any other means. Partnership Steering Committee meetings will, as far as practicable, be held back-to-back with other relevant meetings.

The proposed components/focal areas of the GW2I are:

1. Establishment of the GW2I infrastructure

Building up a strong network;

Expanding the GW2I and engaging a wide variety of partners;

Enhancing the visibility of the partnership;

Gathering and disseminating available information and filling information gaps;

Convening meetings of the GW2I.

2. Contributing to Global challenges and debates on wastewater issues

Post-2015 discussion on SDG targets and indicators related to wastewater;

Research into community wastewater perceptions;

Contribution to policy briefs on wastewater;

Collection & dissemination of good practices linking WW management with food security (agricultural & energy production), poverty alleviation, climate change, water use efficiency etc.

New and emerging issues.

3. Contributing to the strengthening of the normative basis for managing and monitoring the impacts of wastewater on the coastal and marine environment

Conduct of an economic valuation of WW to evaluate the cost of the loss of coastal and marine ecosystems services due to the impact of WW and the failure to take preventive measures (cost of no action) versus the cost of effective WW management (cost of action);

Provision of guidance & tools to decision-makers and concerned stakeholders;

Development of a technology matrix of WW-related technologies;

Preparation of guidelines for community leaders, etc.

4. Contributing to the implementation of demonstration projects on wastewater treatment technologies

Contribution to the development and implementation of joint pilot projects to demonstrate and adopt measures enabling nutrients to be removed from wastewater;

Other demonstrations (to be determined).

5. Communication and outreach

Conduct awareness raising activities on the wastewater challenges and opportunities, and broker integrated approaches and solutions;

Outreach and sharing information on wastewater;

Contribution to the GW2I website with regional hubs, press centre, events, etc.

Standard presentations and short videos on key messages for various audiences

Policy briefs (e.g. Wastewater, building on the “Sick Water” report, which could address the status of wastewater coverage, treatment and management globally)

Presentation of exhibitions /poster and convening of side/parallel events at major meetings/conferences, e.g. Water Week, AMCOW, CoP of conventions to enhance the visibility of the GW2I

Contribute to/organize biannual GW2I scientific and policy conference;

Contribute to press releases, media advisories, press conferences, public service announcements.


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