West African gas pipeline project to be reinvigorated
Xinhua, May 12, 2017 Adjust font size:
A regional meeting is expected on Friday in the capital Cotonou to eliminate bottlenecks that impede the good operation of the West African gas pipeline project (WAGP).
According to an official release issued on Thursday in the economic capital Cotonou, the committee of ministers of WAGP and the commissioner of mining and energy of Ecowas will hold the meeting to that effect.
"The meeting of Cotonou is initiated by Benin's minister responsible of mining and energy. It is purposed to seek ways and means to eliminate the bottlenecks that impede the smooth operation of the project," the release said.
The West African gas pipeline project (WAGP) is a private-public based enterprise that includes Benin, Togo, Ghana and Nigeria which is the main provider of gas resources.
It is designed to enable a community use of the gas from Nigeria for electricity production and affordable, good quality and quantity industrial heat production.
Initiated in September 1995, WAGP commenced commercial production from March 2011 and faced several challenges.
These are a weak satisfaction to the demand for gas due to vandalism on export pipelines in Niger Delta in Nigeria, financial difficulties of the West African gas pipeline company and cumulated arrears of billings of Volta River Authority (VRA) of Ghana.
In aggregate, Chevron-Texaco, Shell, NNPC from Nigeria, Volta River Authority (VRA) hold 96 percent participation in the project, while BenGAZ SA from Benin and SOTOGAZ from Togo hold each 2 percent participation. Enditem