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Arab League chief says military solution brings more bloodshed in Syria

Xinhua, December 3, 2016 Adjust font size:

Arab League (AL) Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit said on Saturday the military solution could bring about more bloodshed in Syria, according to a statement published by the AL.

"The humanitarian cost of the continuation of current situation in Syria could be unbearable as the military solution could bring about more bloodshed and enhance chaos," Abul Gheit said in his meeting with the UN envoy to Syria Steffan De Mitsura on the sideline of the Mediterranean Dialogue Conference hosted by Rome.

The meeting tackled the latest developments in Syria and the UN envoy's recent contacts with the various parties close to the Syrian crisis.

"Restoring Syria as a unified sovereign state would not be achieved without respecting Syrian people's aspirations," the AL chief added.

That statement added Abul Gheit reiterated that the current random killing, siege and starvation of Aleppo residents would result into horrible outcome that harm the future of Syrians.

"Civilians only would pay the price for the siege imposed in Aleppo and other cities that are subject to continuous shelling and siege."

The fighting and bombardment in Syria have recently escalated in war-torn Aleppo city, which is divided between Syria's government troops supported by Russian forces in the western part and the armed rebels in the east.

Since it erupted in March 2011, the Syrian crisis has claimed the lives of about 500,000 people and displaced more than 10 million. Endit