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Commentary: DPRK's headstrong pursuit of nuclear weapons only worsens regional tensions

Xinhua, March 16, 2016 Adjust font size:

Pyongyang came under glaring spotlight again Tuesday when it announced plans to test a nuclear warhead and several different ballistic rockets capable of carrying nuclear warheads in a short time.

The sensitive situation on the Korean Peninsula where tensions are rising demands the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) talk and act with prudence. Any reckless rhetoric and a defiant posture would only make things worse.

First of all, the DPRK's announcement runs counter to the international community's firm goal, violating UN Security Council Resolution 2270, which demands all parties pertinent to the Korean Peninsula issue refrain from taking any actions that might aggravate tensions.

More importantly, the DPRK should stop thinking that tough rhetoric and irresponsible provocations will bring what it wants.

Secondly, parties related should show restraint and good faith to avoid deepening the DPRK's sense of insecurity and triggering a vicious circle.

If history offers any guide, pressure tactics by Washington and Seoul can hardly succeed in subduing Pyongyang's nuclear ambition. On the contrary, they would only spur Pyongyang to harden its resolve to go further in its pursuit of nuclear capabilities.

Also, it should be borne in mind by all that instability on the Korean Peninsula serves nobody's interests and conflicts will spell disasters for not only the region but also the world.

As a friendly neighbor of the DPRK, China cherishes its traditional friendship with the country and seeks a normal development of their relations.

On the other hand, as a responsible UN Security Council member, China supports the Council's necessary response to the DPRK's nuclear program that has violated previous resolutions.

But China, long calling for the Korean Peninsula to be denuclearized and for creating a mechanism aimed at replacing the Korean armistice with a peace agreement, has made it clear that mere sanctions would not bring about lasting peace and only negotiation can lead to an ultimate solution.

All in all, given the extreme sensitivity of the situation on the troubled peninsula, it is imperative for all parties to show restraint and tap their political wisdom so as to resume the China-proposed Six-Party Talks as soon as possible. Endi