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Chinese vice premier meets UN chief, British envoy

Xinhua, September 3, 2015 Adjust font size:

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and British Prime Minister's envoy Kenneth Clarke on Thursday.

Liu welcomed the two's attendance of the commemoration marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

The founding of the UN is an important fruit of the victory of the global anti-fascist war and the attendance of UN chief is of special significance, said Liu in her meeting with Ban.

China made active contribution to UN's founding and development and is willing to strengthen cooperation with the organization in fields like health, education, women and children, striving for the implementation of Post-2015 Development Agenda, she said.

China expects to push its relations with the UN to a new high level via the series of meetings commemorating the 70th anniversary of its founding, said Liu.

Ban said he was glad to attend the Sept. 3 commemoration event and that Thursday was a proud day for the Chinese nation.

China's great development achievements over the past decades have benefited the world, he said.

The UN hopes to promote China's successful experience and strengthen cooperation with China, said Ban.

In meeting with Clarke, Liu said China and Britain made great contributions to the victory of World War II.

China-Britain relations face new opportunities and joint efforts are needed to achieve more fruits, said the Chinese vice premier.

Clarke, former British justice secretary, said he was honored to attend the commemoration as the envoy of British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Britain and China were close allies during WWII, said Clarke. Britain expects closer high-level exchange and practical cooperation in all fields with China, he said. Endi