Weather forecast for major Chinese cities, regions -- May 22
Xinhua, May 22, 2015 Adjust font size:
Weather forecast for 20 major Chinese cities and regions (20:00 May 22 - 20:00 May 23, Beijing Time, temperatures in Celsius):
Min. Max. Condition Wind scale
Beijing 17 32 clear/cloudy <3
Harbin 14 27 clear/cloudy <3/3-4
Tianjin 19 32 clear <3
Urumqi 14 23 cloudy/drizzle to moderate rain <3/3-4
Xi'an 16 30 clear <3
Lhasa 9 22 shower <3
Chengdu 17 28 cloudy <3
Chongqing 18 23 shower/overcast <3
Kunming 16 26 drizzle <3
Nanjing 18 26 overcast/cloudy <3/3-4
Shanghai 19 24 cloudy/overcast <3
Wuhan 19 24 overcast <3
Hangzhou 18 26 cloudy 3-4/<3
Taipei 25 30 drizzle/heavy rain <3
Guangzhou 22 25 heavy rain <3
Hong Kong 23 26 heavy rain <3
Macao 24 27 shower/moderate to heavy rain <3
Xisha Islands 29 31 cloudy 4-5
Nansha Islands 29 33 cloudy 4-5
Diaoyu Islands 23 26 drizzle 3-4/4-5
Source: Central Meteorological Station, China. Endi