Number of women on boards of Portuguese companies doubles in 10 years
Xinhua, January 21, 2015 Adjust font size:
The proportion of women on the board of directors of Portuguese companies has more than doubled in the last 10 years, but is still around half the European average, said a study on Tuesday.
According to the study issued by the Portuguese Commission for Equality in Labor and Employment (CITE), the 2013 report on the progress of equality between men and women at work in employment and professional training found that the percentage of women with places on the boards of directors of Portugal's largest listed companies rose from 4 percent in 2003 to 9 percent by October 2013.
The European Union average, according to figures from the European Commission, stands at 18 percent, leaving Portugal way behind, according to CITE president Joana Giria who presented the report's findings to a parliamentary sub-commission on equality.
Differences between men and women are also found within the labor market as a whole, according to CITE's findings.
"The increased qualifications of women are, as yet, not fully reflected in the professions they have," the report said, adding that women are "predominantly" hired as "non-qualified workers" (72 percent), "administrative staff" (63.3 percent) and "personal service, protection and security and sales workers" (63.1 percent).
Despite this, women made up the majority in the category of specialists in intellectual and scientific activities (60.4 percent). Endit