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ILO: Equality for women is progress for all, March 6, 2014 Adjust font size:

Ahead of International Women’s Day 2014, the ILO-Irish Aid Partnership Programme on disability from International Labour Organization published a brochure with selected stories around the world, to recognize the leadership and achievements of individual disabled women in certain countries.

Since the early 2000s, the Partnership Programme has recognized and prioritized disability as essential to meeting the UN Millennium Development goals, with the goal of Promoting gender equality and empowering women being a strong theme of the partnership’s activities. The Partnership Programme seeks to reduce poverty, promote gender equality and empower women in the present while extending this empowerment and equality into the future for all women – disabled or non-disabled.

International Women's Day is a global celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of all women, including women with disabilities. This year, we recall past struggles and accomplishments, and look ahead to the potential opportunities that await future generations of women.


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