Chinese Dream of Popularizing Science
Xinhua News Agency, November 11, 2013
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Graduating with a PhD in neurology from Shanghai's Fudan University, Ji started but soon tired of a career as a lab researcher, before gathering writers he knew in 2008 and founding Squirrel Group, an NGO offering blogs on popular science.
In 2010, with venture capital funding of one million U.S. dollars, the young entrepreneur restructured the NGO by spinning-off a commercial entity as Guokr Interactive Media, which publishes books, organizes theme events and runs Internet service
"This is a social network with media characteristics generating quality content," Ji said when launching Guokr.
"The popularization of science will expanded as we are explore more opportunities," Ji promised then, referring to a game plan to launch a series of add-on products.
One is Rumor Wiki, a Wikipedia-like website set up to place rumors under scrutiny by experts and students from all fields of science. Wielding their microscope, Rumor Wiki has debunked contemporary Chinese rumors like "super moon will cause super earthquakes" and "poisoned rats are cooked as pigeon meat."
Efforts have also been made in online education. An online learning community has been set up on for learners of courses provided by a consortium of top-tier institutions.
"The popularization of science can't work without education at the fundamental level, which requires time," Ji said.
"Ji Xiaohua is a dreamer, and he has always realized his dream," said Xu Lai, chief editor of