EU commissioner optimistic about Portuguese state budget for 2017
Xinhua, October 4, 2016 Adjust font size:
European Commissioner for the digital economy and society Gunther Oettinger said Monday he was optimistic regarding Portugal's state budget for 2017, according to Lusa News Agency.
"I am confident we will reach a common and pragmatic position in regards the state budget for 2017," Oettinger said during a conference on the European Union's Digital Single Market in Lisbon.
Asked whether he thought a second bailout could be possible, Oettinger said Portugal had been making efforts in past years and it would not be necessary.
"It would only happen in the worst scenario," he said. "We have to do what we can to avoid such a development."
He added that governments were doing everything possible to stabilize and consolidate public accounts.
"As a politician and having been prime minister of Germany, I know how hard it is to cut salaries, to cut down on teachers, investment in infrastructure, or pensions," he added.
He also pointed out that the Portuguese government had commitments with the EU and other member states regarding reducing its deficit in 2016 and 2017, and said the country had to take concrete measures.
The Portuguese government has said it would bring its budget deficit to below 2.5 percent of GDP in 2017, despite raising salaries and lowering some taxes this year. Endit