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Roundup: Afghan militancy gets momentum as Taliban storms 2 districts within day

Xinhua, August 10, 2016 Adjust font size:

Taliban militants fighting the government to regain power have launched coordinated offensives against two districts in the northern Baghlan and eastern Paktia provinces on Wednesday.

The armed insurgent group in a surprise move attacked Dahna-e-Ghori district in the northern Baghlan province Wednesday morning triggering gun battle, which has been continuing.

"Hundreds of Taliban militants stormed Dahna-e-Ghori district early today and fighting between militants and government forces has been continuing," a local official told Xinhua.

According to the official who declined to be named, Taliban militants have overrun four police checkpoints and the attacking insurgents are attempting to capture the district headquarters.

Meanwhile, Baghlan police spokesman Jawed Basharat in talks with reporters confirmed Taliban offensive in Dahna-e-Ghori and said that "Reinforcement has arrived in Dahna-e-Ghori and the situation is under control".

On the possible casualties of Taliban and security forces, he said, "It is too early to collect information".

However, locals in Dahna-e-Ghori in talks with Xinhua confirmed Taliban attack, saying 20 local police under Nik Mohammad have joined the advancing militants.

The strategically important Dahna-e-Ghori is just 30 minute drive from the provincial capital Pul-e-Khumri 160 km north of national capital Kabul city.

Two Taliban militants have also been killed and few others injured in Dahna-e-Ghori district, locals said.

In a similar move, the Taliban outfit attacked government interests in Jani Khil district of the eastern Paktia province Wednesday morning.

According to Abdul Rahman Solamal, governor of Jani Khil district, more than 600 Taliban insurgents attacked security checkpoints early Wednesday and fighting has been continuing.

Solamal also warned that delay in sending reinforcement would complicate the situation in the besieged district.

Taliban militants who have sped up operations over the past couple of months are yet to make comment on the situation in the said district.

Nevertheless, Mohammad Ayub, deputy chief of Paktia province, in talks with local media claimed that reinforcement has already arrived to Jani Khil district and so far, 12 insurgents have been killed.

Afghan militancy usually gets momentum in spring and summer commonly known as fighting season in Afghanistan. Enditem