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2nd LD Writethru: UN Security Council endorses Iran nuclear deal

Xinhua, July 20, 2015 Adjust font size:

The UN Security Council on Monday endorsed the newly-reached agreement between Iran and major world powers on Iranian nuclear issues, kicking off a process to lift UN sanctions on Iran.

In a unanimously adopted resolution, the 15-member body endorsed the deal and called for its full implementation on the timetable established in the agreement.

The agreement, Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), clinched on July 14 between Iran and the P5+1 -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany, is expected to put Iran on the path of sanctions relief but more strict limits on its nuclear program after two weeks of tough negotiations in Vienna, Austria.

According to the resolution, the council will terminate its sanctions on Iran upon receiving a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency that verifies Iran's implementation of its nuclear-related commitments under the JCPOA.

The commitments include Iran's redesigning its Arak heavy-water reactor, converting its Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant into a technology center, removing centrifuges and uranium-enrichment-related infrastructure, among others.

Once the council has been assured that these tasks have been fulfilled, the Iranian sanctions regime, established in previous UN Security Council resolutions since 2006, will be terminated, though restrictions will remain.

The sanctions regime includes a ban on the supply of goods and services for Iran's nuclear program, asset freezes and travel bans targeted against designated individuals and entities, an embargo on conventional arms and ballistic missiles.

According to the resolution, the council will maintain the embargo on the import and export of conventional arms for five years and ballistic missiles for eight years.

Sanctions termination date will be 10 years from today, namely the day when the resolution was adopted. And the council can reverse the sanctions lifting if Iran violates the agreement.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday welcomed the adoption of the resolution, saying it establishes procedures that will facilitate the JCPOA's implementation, enabling all states to carry out their obligations contained in the agreement.

"The United Nations stands ready to provide whatever assistance is required in giving effect to the resolution," Ban said in a statement.
