'Missing units' of alcohol in British consumption found
Xinhua, May 22, 2015 Adjust font size:
The English are tippling an extra 2.5 billion glasses of wine each year than they admit in routine surveys on 'typical consumption,' according to a report published on Friday.
The difference, say the researchers from Liverpool John Moores University, could have a major impact on public health.
Asking people about what they drink on holidays and other special occasions shows they drink around the equivalent of 12 million more bottles of wine a week previously thought in England, said professor Mark Bellis who led the project.
Previous surveys on alcohol consumption have not accounted for all the alcohol that is sold.
The research, funded by Alcohol Research UK, has finally found the 'missing units' of alcohol.
Bellis said: "In England, there is a huge difference between what surveys report is consumed and how much alcohol is sold. The problem is that surveys usually ask about typical drinking. This means summer holidays, bank holidays, weddings and many other special occasions when consumption often increases are left out.
"As a result, nationally we underestimate how much we drink and as individuals we can turn a blind eye to our heavier drinking periods when we calculate personal consumption. For many people though these sessions add substantial amounts of alcohol to their annual consumption and inevitably increase their risks of developing alcohol related ill health."
It is hoped that by creating a more accurate picture of data missing from surveys there can be a better understanding of the health consequences.
The largest increase of alcohol intake was seen in 25 to 34 year olds who had the highest level of typical consumption, consuming on average an extra 18 units of additional alcohol every week due to special occasion drinking.
James Nicholls from Alcohol Research UK, said: "By looking just at average levels of consumption, we only get a very rough impression of drinking behaviors and any associated risks. If we can better quantify where peaks in consumption occur, among which groups of drinkers, and at what scale, we will be much better placed to target interventions aimed at reducing harm."
The researchers say drinking alcohol is related to 200 different health conditions and is responsible for 3.3 million deaths a year worldwide. Endit