Wechat, int'l organizations to fight illegal wildlife trades online
Xinhua, May 22, 2015 Adjust font size:
China's instant messaging service WeChat will join international organizations in the fight to stamp out the illegal trade of wildlife online.
Tencent, which operates Wechat, and organizations including The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), on Friday jointly launched the "Tencent for the Planet -- Say 'No' to Illegal Wildlife Trade Online" campaign.
On Friday, which was also International Day for Biological Diversity, Tencent opened a Wechat account that will accept reports of illegal trading, and promote animal protection awareness and other environmental issues.
Zhou Yafei, from the State Forestry Administration's foreign trade of endangered species administration, at the opening ceremony said that there had been an increase in the illegal trade of wildlife online in recent years.
He called on more enterprises to live up to their social responsibility and join the fight. Endi