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Iran says its goals achieved in nuclear talks with powers

Xinhua, April 3, 2015 Adjust font size:

Iran has reached its goals in its recent nuclear negotiations with the world's major powers, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad-Javad Zarif said upon arriving at Tehran Mehrabad airport on Friday.

"We were following a number of serious objectives in the talks, and based on the present framework reached (in Lausanne of Swiss), we think we will achieve our goals," Zarif was quoted as saying by semi-official ISNA news agency.

One of the objectives in the talks was to preserve all of the nuclear establishments and to continue the nuclear program in Iran, which was met according to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) regarding Iran's Nuclear Program, Zarif said.

EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini read a joint statement of JCPOA at a press conference held in Lausanne on Thursday that all sides agreed Iran's enrichment capacity, enrichment level and stockpile will be limited for specific duration and there will be no other enrichment facility than the country's Natanz nuclear plant.

"Iran's research and development on centrifuges will be carried out based on a cope and schedule that has been mutually agreed," she said.

As to Iran's controversial Fordow nuclear plant, it will be converted from an enrichment site into a nuclear, physics and technology center, Mogherini added.

Another achievement of Iran in Lausanne nuclear talks was the clear reference of the JCPOA statement to the removal of all the financial and economic sanctions upon the performance of the final deal, she said, adding that "this is a good achievement."

"The U.S. government will be responsible for lifting the sanctions all at once, and if someone talks about the gradual lift of sanctions, we should know that he is talking against the agreements reached so far," Mogherini said.

According to the JCPOA statement, Iran will receive sanctions relief, if it verifiably abides by its commitments.

"U.S. and EU nuclear-related sanctions will be suspended after the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agencyhas) verified that Iran has taken all of its key nuclear-related steps. If at any time Iran fails to fulfill its commitments, these sanctions will snap back into place," said the statement.

"All past UN Security Council resolutions on the Iran nuclear issue will be lifted simultaneously with the completion of nuclear-related actions addressing all key concerns (enrichment, Fordow, Arak, PMD and transparency)," according to the statement.

Meanwhile, Iranian senior nuclear negotiator, Abbas Araqchi, hailed what he called "the recognition of Iran's nuclear program" by the world, saying "Based on this statement, Iran's nuclear program is internationally valid and recognized and this is the biggest achievement for us," official IRNA news agency reported on Friday.

Top negotiators from Iran and the P5+1 group -- including the United States, Britain, France, Russia, China plus Germany -- on Thursday concluded the nine-day Iran nuclear talks in Lausanne and reached common solutions to outstanding issues in a run for a comprehensive deal by June 30.

"The solutions reached (according to JCPOA) will serve as the basis for the final agreement" on Iran's nuclear issue, Iranian foreign minister said Friday. Endit