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Commentary: Talks lead to breakthrough on Iran nuke deal, more work ahead

Xinhua, April 3, 2015 Adjust font size:

A framework nuclear deal was reached on Thursday between Tehran and six major world powers, a decisive step toward a landmark comprehensive accord that could end a 12-year-old standoff.

The hard-earned agreement, after eight days of marathon talks in Lausanne, Switzerland, is a result of strong political wills and persistent efforts of all parties involved.

More importantly, it is a result of a wise choice: adopting and sticking to the path of negotiation and talks in seeking a solution to the issue.

History has shown that suspicions, economic sanctions and threats of force only lead to a dead end where the Iranian nuclear issue is concerned, while enhanced mutual trust and dialogue are the only way out of the seemingly vicious cycle of sanction and provocation.

Meanwhile, the breakthrough was only possible because of the sincerity and good will of all parties, who have demonstrated creativity and learnt to accommodate the concerns of others instead of only caring for their own interests, which would have turned the nuclear talks into a zero-sum game.

During the negotiation, the Chinese delegates have repeatedly called on all parties to exert more political will so as to seek a package of solutions that takes all parties' concerns into consideration.

As Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said, it is necessary to "maintain composure and meet each other halfway" so as to prevent failure at the last stage.

Through the course of many years, the Chinese side has actively participated in the negotiation as an important party and put forward constructive proposals at many critical junctures of the talks.

Continuously advocating a peaceful solution to the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic means, China has contributed its own part to the progress of the negotiation process.

The framework agreement that "cut off every pathway that Iran could take to develop a nuclear weapon," as U.S. President Barack Obama declared, would have a positive impact on the security situation in the Middle East, and is indeed marking a breakthrough as the international community has never been so close to an accord preventing Iran from having nuclear weapons.

But despite the breakthrough, many hard tasks and challenges still lie ahead, with June 30 set for a final deal and some heated haggling expected before then.

Plenty of details still need to be worked out, and it cannot be completely ruled out that the historic understanding reached might collapse between now and June 30, especially factoring in the deep-rooted mistrust between Iran and the West.

As a significant step in the right direction has been made, it is imperative now to lose no time in pushing ahead with the negotiations and displaying the utmost sincerity in order to clinch a final agreement that provides a comprehensive and final solution. Endi