Feature: Brewing tombo for a living
Xinhua, February 23, 2015 Adjust font size:
A plastic cup in her hand sitting in front of her shack in the Havana area in Katutura, Windhoek Namibia, Liina Sheehama patiently waits for her usual customers.
The clock has just struck 10:00 a.m. and she knows her everyday customers will soon make their way to her shack (a corrugated iron shack where many poor Namibians reside in a location called Katutura) with containers to purchase some homebrewed tombo.
Clad in a man's golf t-shirt, a cap and a pair of jeans, the 40- year-old Oshiwambo speaking woman has for the past three years made ends meet through brewing and selling tombo.
Tombo is a homebrewed traditional beer which contains 80 percent alcohol over double the concentration in other more conventional spirits.
Historically, tombo brewing was very popular with township mamas who brewed and sold a variety of home brewed concoctions, tombo being one of them.
During the old days where black people were prohibited from selling or drinking the white man's 'tepid waters of immorality' in the 1880's, black people spent most of their time in shebeens where this tombo was brewed.
Customers would guzzle the drink from outsized jam tins that would be passed around a human circle for each to have a sip.
Sheehama makes 25 litres of tombo every day, which she sells only to people from her street.
She increases the quantity of brew towards the festive season because that is when business is good.
She explained that it is not regarded as a crime to sell to customers from other areas, as long as you do not step on other brewer's toes.
Because every street has a brewer, her business usually depends on about seven to 10 people from her street who buy from her on a daily basis..
Typical of most illegal businesses, the life of Tombo brewing is not without its fair share of problems.
Police raid on their business are common sight and when they occur, she is left with no supply forcing her to start from scratch and dip into her saving pool where she would be saving money to send to her mother for her and her daughter's upkeep.
Sheehama makes a profit of just over 100 Namibia dollars (8.6 U. S. dollars) everyday that she uses to go back and forth to the north (her Village) to collect the sorghum that she uses to make the tombo.
She of course also uses part of the money to pay for her nine- year-old daughter's school fees. She also gives some of the money to her aged parents who look after her child.
The middle-aged woman moved to Windhoek from the north a few years back in the hope of securing a job, only to end up in her current trade when finding a job proved difficult.
The two-roomed corrugated shack she lives in serves as both her home and her brewery.
"I make the tombo in the kitchen corner while I have reserved the front for customers who want to sit indoors," she said.
A peek in the kitchen/brewery shows a bucket placed on top of used tyres in the corner behind a makeshift counter made out of crates.
Tomorrow's tombo has already started brewing in the bucket and from the way it looks, is almost ready, but she has to leave it in there overnight to ensure that it delivers an effective kick.
The heat coming from the old tyres and the corrugated iron surrounding the brewing tombo seem to do the job judging from the bubbles popping in the bucket.
From what one can see, hygiene does not seem like something that the brewer worries about, but she says that the reason why she placed the bucket on top of the tyres is for her clients to see where she makes the tombo.
She claims that she has not had any complaints from anyone about hygiene and therefore feels she must be doing something right.
However, Sheehama might one day find herself among the many people in the capital who will have no means of earning an income due to a proposed ban on the sale of illicit alcohol being pushed by government and other stakeholders.
Since 2009, the Self Regulation Alcohol Industry Forum (SAIF) of Namibia has formed a task force to confiscate all illicit alcohol sold and distributed in Namibia.
They classify illicit alcohol as products that do not comply with Namibian legislation with regard to packaging, labelling, tax evasion, contents and composition.
SAIF said illicit alcohol has become popular in Namibia because it was cheap to purchase, but cautioned of the alcohol's harmful effects.
"Alcohol cannot be cheap because of the fermentation process, which takes very long when done right," SAIF said.
It pointed out that the law only allows the brewing of tombo for own consumption and not for sale.
The organisation said they have had some success in stopping people from bringing in illicit alcohol from outside the country.
Over the years, several reports have surfaced about people dying after drinking illicit alcohol, partly because people add other harmful ingredients to make the concoction stronger or to make it brew faster.
Tombo is the preferred alcohol beverage of poor communities in Namibia.
Sheehama said she would struggle to survive if authorities ban her from brewing tombo. The 40-year-old looked devastated as she equated the proposed ban to losing her life.
"I would not know what to do because this is all I know," she explained. Endi