1st LD: Eight killed, dozens injured in Israel bus-truck collision
Xinhua, February 3, 2015 Adjust font size:
At least eight people were killed and dozens more injured in a massive accident in southern Israel on Tuesday, emergency services said.
Police spokesperson said the accident happened as a bus full of Arab Bedouins passengers from villages in southern Israel's Negev desert, collided with a truck that was carrying a tractor.
"We have confirmed the death of eight casualties, and are giving medical care to 45-48 injuries, most of them were lightly to mildly injured," said Eli Bean, director general of Magen David Adom, Israel's Red Crescent.
Police's southern district chief Yoram Halevi told Israel Radio that rescue teams are still struggling to evacuate nine casualties whose bodies are trapped inside a bus which was involved in accident.
Military helicopters were aiding in the evacuation of victims to hospitals.
The accident occurred near the Lehavim Junction, a section of Road 31 in which many fatal accidents have occurred in the past.
"This is a very serious accident. The eight killed were from communities around Rahat," Talal al-Karinawi, Mayor of the Bedouins town of Rahat, told Channel 10 TV news .
"These people returned from prayers at al-Aksa mosque in Jerusalem and they were on their way home," he said, adding that many of passengers were elderly.
The police spokesperson said the circumstances of accident are yet to be found. He added that the drivers, who were not hurt, were taken to investigation. Endit