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50 Historic Moments in Canada-China Friendship /, October 30, 2013 Adjust font size:

中国网/中国发展门户网讯 金秋十月,值此中加两国建交43周年之际,加拿大已故前总理皮埃尔·特鲁多先生四十年前访华老照片在北京宋庆龄故居展出。这次展览,以近50幅真实老照片呈现出四十年前那些见证中加友谊的历史瞬间。
This year marks the 43th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Canada. Fifty historical photos taken 40 years ago are first exhibited at the former residence of Soong Ching Ling on Oct.29, 2013, showing the great friendship bond between both nations. The photos were taken by Peter Bregg, one of the photojournalists who accompanied former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau on his visit to China. [CnDG by Wang Zhenhong]
中国网/中国发展门户网讯(记者王振红) 金秋十月,值此中加两国建交43周年之际,加拿大已故前总理皮埃尔·特鲁多先生四十年前访华老照片10月29日在北京宋庆龄故居展出,近50幅首度公开展出的真实老照片呈现出四十年前那些见证中加友谊的历史瞬间。这些老照片由四十年前特鲁多先生访华的随行摄影师Peter Bregg先生珍藏。
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