Strategic Programme of FAO to Reduce Rural Poverty

发布时间: 2017-04-25 17:07:44  |  来源:  |  作者: 焦梦  |  责任编辑: 焦梦

Poverty is one of the biggest obstacles to human development and economic growth. Although progress has been made in reducing the global number of the poor, about 767 million people continue to live in extreme poverty and inequalities are still pervasive. Most of them live in rural areas and depend on agriculture for their livelihoods.

With the adoption of the Agenda 2030, countries have renewed their commitment to fight against poverty and hunger. As part of its mandate, FAO supports countries to reduce rural poverty by ensuring that processes of structural and rural transformation are pro-poor and inclusive, to make sure that no one is left behind.

In low-income countries in particular, investing in agriculture is conducive to enhanced poverty-reductions compared to investment in other sectors. Yet, this is not enough because the poor often engage in multiple economic activities. While pro-poor growth starts in agriculture, reducing rural poverty requires a broad approach with differentiated strategies to help the rural poor reach decent standards of living through their livelihoods.

In helping countries in their efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger FAO’s multi-sectoral approach aims to address the social, economic and daily challenges that poor rural people face through the development and implementation of:

- Evidence-based pro-poor policies

- Strategies and programmes that promote inclusive sustainable growth

- Income diversification options

- Decent employment opportunities in agriculture and the rural economy

- Strong social protection systems

- Empowerment of the rural poor to benefit from the development process

FAO’s multi-sectoral approach aims to address the social, economic, political and daily challenges that poor rural people face by increasing access to natural resources and other assets for the rural poor, creating decent employment in agriculture and the rural economy, building strong social protection systems, strengthening rural institutions and empowering the rural poor to benefit from the development process.

