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Cambodia rolls out red carpet for Vietnamese PM

Xinhua, April 25, 2017 Adjust font size:

Cambodia on Tuesday rolled out its red carpet for Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on his official visit to the kingdom to boost bilateral ties and cooperation.

Nguyen Xuan Phuc was greeted by Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Techo Hun Sen with a brass band and guard of honor at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia.

The two leaders held talks focusing on politics, economics, trade, investment, tourism, education and health, Kao Kim Hourn, a minister attached to the Cambodian prime minister, told reporters after the meeting.

"In the economic front, the two prime ministers agreed to boost the two-way trade volume to 5 billion U.S. dollars in coming years," he said. Trade volume between the two countries was valued at 2.92 billion U.S. dollars in 2016.

The two leaders also discussed issues related to border and Vietnamese immigrants in Cambodia, Kao said.

At the end of the meeting, the two prime ministers witnessed the signing ceremony of four Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) focusing on a feasibility study for an expressway from Cambodia's Phnom Penh to Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City, the construction of a Phnom Penh-Hanoi Friendship Boulevard, the construction of a rehabilitation center for drug addicts in southwestern Cambodia's Preah Sihanouk province, and renewed fishery cooperation.

Kao said the Vietnamese side agreed to provide 3 million dollars to Cambodia for the construction of the rehabilitation center for drug addicts and 2 million dollars to develop a market in southeastern Cambodia's Tboung Khmum province.

The Vietnamese prime minister arrived in Cambodia on Monday for a two-day visit. Enditem