Xinhua world news summary at 0030 GMT, Feb. 3
Xinhua, February 3, 2017 Adjust font size:
The U.S. Treasury Department on Thursday issued a notice easing sanctions on a Russian intelligence agency that former President Barack Obama sanctioned over Moscow's alleged hacking activities in last year's U.S. presidential election.
In a statement, the Treasury Department authorizes certain transactions with the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) that are needed to request approval for the importation, distribution, or use of certain information technology products in Russia. (U.S.-Russia-Sanctions)
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BRUSSELS -- European Council President Donald Tusk said Thursday the aim of Friday's informal meeting in Malta is to stem the flow of irregular migration from Libya to Europe.
"This is the only way to stop people dying in the deserts and at sea. This is also the only way to gain control over migration in Europe," Tusk said on the eve of the summit. (EU-Malta summit-Migrants)
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ANKARA -- German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday vowed further cooperation in the fight against terrorism during Merkel's visit to Ankara, local daily Hurriyet reported.
"International terrorism is not an issue that any single country can manage alone. There should be international cooperation," Erdogan said at a joint press conference with Merkel in Ankara. (Germany-Turkey-Cooperation)
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DHAKA -- A massive blaze that razed a multistoried wholesale market in Bangladeshi capital Dhaka's overcrowded Gulistan street has been contained.
Fourteen fire fighting units managed to bring the flames under control two hours after the fire originated at around 8:00 p.m. local time (1400 GMT) on Thursday, Shakil Newaz, director of fire service and civil defence, told journalists. (Bangladesh-Fire) Endi