Spain's cancer cases number rise to levels predicted for 2020
Xinhua, February 1, 2017 Adjust font size:
The number of cases of cancer in Spain has grown faster than expected, according to a report from the Spanish Society for Oncological Medicine (SEOM) published on Monday.
The report entitled "The Numbers for Cancer in Spain," confirmed that 2015 saw 247,771 cases diagnosed in the country; a thousand more than their predictions for 2020.
The SEOM explained that the predictions were made eight to ten years ago and based on demographic data which has since become outdated. The society added that the aging population is also a factor, given that ten years ago there were more immigrants living in Spain and more young people overall in the country.
The past 20 years have seen the numbers of tumors diagnosed in Spain grow constantly, partly due to the aging population, but also due to more techniques for the early detection of cancer.
Meanwhile, the survival rate has also risen with 53 percent of patients still alive five years after their cancer was detected.
The most common cancers in 2015 were; colon 41,441, prostate, 33,370, lung, 28,347 and breast 27,747.
SEOM President Miguel Martin used the data to highlight the need to "carry out exercise, not gain weight and to avoid consuming alcohol and tobacco." Endit