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Japan's sports minister to resign after reshuffle over bungled Olympic stadium plan

Xinhua, September 25, 2015 Adjust font size:

Japan's sports minister Hakubun Shimomura on Friday offered to tender his resignation to account for the scrapping of a construction plan for the main stadium of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics due to spiraling costs, but was asked by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to remain in his post until a Cabinet reshuffle slated for early October.

Shimomura told a news conference that the decision by Abe to scrap the construction plans for the Games'centerpiece in July was owing to public indignation over its ballooning costs that had caused both"concern and trouble to many people."

The education, culture, sports, science and technology minister also said that Abe had asked him to stay on until the next Cabinet reshuffle and that, along with his resignation, he would return half of his annual salary to further take responsibility for the stadium blunder.

The minister's resignation follows a third-party inquiry panel, set up by the government, which in a report released Thursday squarely blamed the stadium debacle on the Japan Sports Council and the sports ministry and particularly the two bodies' heads for failing to effectively manage the construction project for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Sources close to the matter said Friday that the panel conducted comprehensive interviews with more than 30 officials involved in the stadium project and concluded that decisions were made at a senior level that were at once rigid and lacking in fluidity. It also found that the Japan Sports Council, which was in charge of the stadium project, lacked any sort of gravitas when it came to making decisions, which also negatively impacted the project.

At the end of July, Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology initially announced that a senior official in charge of the controversial construction of the new national stadium for the Games would step down following growing public condemnation after the government flip-flopped over the stadium's design plans.

Kimito Kubo, chief of the Sports and Youth Bureau at the education and sports ministry and a key figure involved in the construction of the new stadium, relinquished his position as the skyrocketing costs of building the new national stadium for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics was causing public outrage and triggered political debate about revising the government's initial plan to use a futuristic design by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid, considered a key element of Japan securing its bid to host the Games.

But following slumping support for Abe and his administration, following the Liberal Democratic Party-led coalition's steamrolling of unconstitutional and publicly-denounced security legislation through the lower house of parliament at that time, Abe, eying restoring public support, scrapped the construction plans, ordering them to be revised from scratch.

Hadid's design ballooned to an estimated 252 billion yen (2 billion U.S. dollars), almost double the original estimate, with construction firms stating that the completion of the ambitious centerpiece for the Games would likely not be finished on time, or for the rugby World Cup a year earlier, also taking part in Japan.

Hadid, who had offered to continue to assist the government with alternative design plans has since withdrawn her offer.

Following Kubo stepping down and part of the reason why Shimomura was ushered out Friday was also because the investigative panel found that the Japan Sports Council and the sports ministry had no officials, including those in their higher echelons, that had the requisite experience in managing large- scale and potentially complicated construction projects and neither body sought the help of experts in the construction industry or land ministry.

After the report was released by the panel on Thursday, Shimomura was quoted as saying that he would verify on Friday what measures the officials responsible for mismanaging the project, including himself, would take. "The report didn't mention about whether officials involved should resign or not and I would like to announce what kind of responsibility I, the vice minister and the JSC president will take on Friday," Shimomura said.

The sports minister clarified this Friday stating that JSC President Ichiro Kono and Shinichi Yamanaka, a former senior bureaucrat at the sports ministry, will return one-tenth of their salaries for two months.

Shimomura's resignation will come as something as a blow to Abe as they both harbor similar revisionist views on Japan's tainted wartime past and the prime minister will be looking to consolidate such allies in his Cabinet reshuffle following the enactment of unpopular war-related legislation recently and his potential plans to revise Japan's constitution in the future.

Japan's preparations for the 2020 Olympics has got off to a bad start with the Games already casting a dark shadow as, not only has the iconic stadium design by Hadid, which partly secured Tokyo the Games in the first place now been scrapped, the emblem decided upon for the Games has also been dropped, following allegations of plagiarism by its designer, Japanese artist Kenjiro Sato, as the logo bears a striking resemblance to a Belgium design being used for a theater there. Endi