Sustainable Buildings
It involves careful consideration of the total life-cycle impacts of a building.
Economic Productivity
The generation of local employment opportunities and good transport networks to surrounding employment opportunities contribute to community sustainability.
Inclusive Community Facilities and Service
Community Facilities and Service are essential factors to support the growth, security and diversity of a community for present and future generations.
Liveable Community Landscapes
Accessible, safe, active recreation, walkability and social interaction enhance social cohesion and reduce the social and economic costs of non-communicable (lifestyle) diseases.
Safe and secure neighbourhoods are an essential component to achieving sustainable communities. A safe, attractive and enjoyable environment is achieved by reducing the community’s vulnerability to crime and violence, providing emergence management and service, and solving food safety problems.
Proud and Educated Community
This involves providing services and infrastructure to support early learning, the education of girls and caregiver training, and sustainability awareness.