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Labor Law Breakers Fined

The Shenzhen government fined 22 enterprises Monday for not paying back wages and worker insurance.

The 22 enterprises received fine notices totaling 2 million yuan (US$241,800) Monday from the Shenzhen Municipal Labor and Social Security Bureau.

The Shenzhen Bao'an Wenle Lingsheng Electronics Company, a joint venture of Hong Kong and Taiwan investors, was fined 1.37 million yuan for failing to pay work injury insurance for its 613 employees for three years. The factory said it would appeal.

The other 21 enterprises were fined for not paying employees for overtime, back wages or collecting deposits.

The government imposed the fines after a two-month investigation on the enterprises.

The fines marked the first step of a labor protection operation called Action Hurricane. The operation, launched Monday, targeted labor law violations concerning back wages, low salaries and overtime pay.

"This action will handle each case urgently. Once a problem is reported, relevant staff will immediately start investigation and produce a solution as soon as possible," said Guan Lingen, the bureau director.

The operation will last until June 20, and focus on construction, manufacturing and catering services. The municipal labor and social security bureau will set up hotlines to answer labor complaints and assign expert groups to handle extremely complicated cases of labor law violation.

(Shenzhen Daily April 26, 2005)

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