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More School Places for Migrant Children in Longgang
Since 1999, Longgang District has provided about 176,000 school places for migrant students in compulsory and post-compulsory education, solving a serious problem for many migrant workers.

The number of school places in the district is increasing by 20 percent year on year, said a spokesman from the district's education bureau.

For the next semester, three public high schools will add 18 new classes providing 1,500 places for children of migrant workers. Combined with places offered by private schools, the total number since 1999 is expected to reach 200,000 this year, accounting for 77 percent of the school places provided by the district education system.

Longgang and Bao'an districts have the city's most migrant workers. The education bureau integrated education resources to ensure education opportunities for their children.

To promote private education, which comprises 60 percent of the current intake, the district government has promised to provide legitimate private schools with more than 24 classes with favorable policies in land prices, traffic convenience, electricity, water and funding.

The district education bureau will treat teachers from private and public schools equally in training schemes, qualifications and titles. There was a quota system for permanent resident status for core teachers in private education institutes.

Outstanding private schools, principals and teachers would be funded by the district.

(Shenzhen Daily July 16, 2004)

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