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Beijing Hosts International Plant Protection Congress
The consolidation of plant protection and control of agricultural biological disasters are of great importance to world food security and protection of the global environment and natural resources, said Vice Premier Hui Liangyu at the opening of the 15th International Plant Protection Conference, which has attracted over 2,000 delegates from about 50 countries and regions.

The congress is being held in Beijing from May 11 through 16.

Hui said that as a developing country with the largest population in the world and limited agricultural resources, China recognizes the importance of these issues.

He noted that China has focused closely on scientific research and technological innovation in plant protection for a number of years. It has enhanced infrastructure construction and prevention capability in this regard, and built systems to control pests and protect plants.

The vice premier says China will continue to enhance plant protection and actively participate in international exchanges and cooperation in this field.

(, May 12, 2004)

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