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China Urges International Community to Eradicate Poverty
A senior Chinese official urged on Tuesday the international community to work together in a bid to eradicate poverty.

Li Qiyan, China's vice minister of labor and social security, made the remarks at the ongoing International Labor Conference (ILO) in Geneva.

He said poverty reduction is a pressing task for the world, especially for the developing countries. Countries around the world must go beyond traditional values and strengthen exchange and cooperation so as to promote economic and social development of all countries, and work hard to reduce the poverty rate around the globe.

"We must attach strategic importance to poverty reduction, promote the establishment of a new international economic order that is fair, rational and in line with the levels of development and requirements of every country in order to guarantee the right of all countries, especially the developing ones, to develop," said Li.

Li said that the developed countries must shoulder more responsibilities by honoring their commitments and increasing development assistance to help the poor countries develop faster.

The Chinese official also pointed out that as the largest developing country, China has made unswerving efforts to combat poverty. The number of people living under the poverty line has declined from 250 million in 1978 to 30 million today.

Delegates including labor ministers and leaders of workers and employers' organizations from most of the ILO's 175 members participated the ongoing conference on June 3-19.

Delegates to the Conference are discussing a wide range of issues, including fight against poverty worldwide, enhancement of safety and security in the workplace and elimination of discrimination.

(People's Daily June 11, 2003)

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