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Effective Supervision of Heads of Drug Administrations Called

Chinese Vice Premier Wu Yi on Thursday called for enhancing supervision of the heads of drug administrations.


Wu made the remarks at the national work meeting of the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), urging officials at drug administrations to "strengthen self-discipline and resist temptation".


The former head of SFDA, Zheng Xiaoyu, has been put under investigation for taking bribes. Last year, one of Zheng's former directors was given a 15-year-sentence for bribery.


Wu urged stepping up implementation of the system that shifts cadres at sensitive posts with a lot of power to other places from time to time.


Wu also said at the meeting that China would strengthen the supervision of drug research and development, production, circulation and clinical use.


According to SFDA, the administration will install supervisors in pharmaceutical plants involved in producing plasma products and vaccines from this year.


Chinese consumers' confidence in the country's drugs industry hit a record low last year after several substandard drugs caused several fatalities and a series of bribery scandals.


(Xinhua News Agency January 19, 2007)

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