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Vice Premier Wu Yi Visits Snow-hit Province

Vice Premier Wu Yi has expressed concern for those suffering in the snow and urged local officials to do their utmost to help locals during an inspection tour of disaster-hit Jiangxi Province.

Wu, who is leading a work group in the eastern province, said officials must go deep into the disaster-affected areas and make solid efforts to provide food, water and clothing to those affected.

She said local officials should "be fully aware of the arduousness and graveness of the snow havoc battle and make better preparation for fighting the extreme weather".

Wu said Jiangxi Province should continue to brace for snow and sleet in the coming days. The battle against the extreme weather will turn graver. She warned local officials not to be slack and weary in their jobs.

She urged local officials to intensify efforts to ensure electricity supply, continue to unblock roads and solve living difficulties for disaster-affected people, especially those whose housing was demolished in the weather.

At 8:00 AM on Saturday, Wu arrived at the railway station of Nanchang, capital of Jiangxi Province. She greeted stranded passengers and station work staff.

Later on, she braved the snow and cold snap to go to Dongxiang County in Fuzhou City to inspect the local electricity and water supply.

At the site where a power pole was toppled, Wu encouraged workers who were struggling to repair electricity lines to "overcome difficulties and speed up the repair work while protecting themselves, so as to ensure a bright Spring Festival for people in the county".

At a local waterworks, she learned of the difficulties faced by the operation and demanded local government officials to better support the waterworks to ensure supply for locals.

On Sunday, Wu went to the Jiangxi Provincial Electricity Transfer Center to learn about the local electricity supply, coal reserves and transport situation. She encouraged the workers to make new achievements in the battle against the weather.

(Xinhua News Agency February 4, 2008)

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