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What Is the Legislative Process of the National People's Congress?

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The executive chairman of the Presidium may call for a session of delegation leaders to discuss the range of opinions that a proposed bill, included on the agenda for the current session, covers. The executive chairman will then report the findings of the discussion back to the Presidium.

The executive chairman of the Presidium can also call a session of deputies, elected to discuss major issues related to the bill, and report to the Presidium on the discussion and expressed opinions.

Should the sponsor of a bill wish to withdraw from the agenda of a current session of the NPC, they may do so providing adequate explanation is given by the bill sponsor, and the Presidium agrees, following a report submission, and reading, to the plenary session before the bill is terminated.

In the case of additional considerations and deliberations arising in the course of a bill's progress through the plenary session, the Standing Committee may conduct further deliberations, and reports its decision to the next session of the NPC. The Standing Committee may also conduct further considerations and prepare amendments that may be submitted at the next session.

Once the deputies have deliberated, the draft law will be amended by the Law Committee, based on the opinions of the deputies. The voting version of the draft law will then be submitted by the Presidium to the plenary session for voting on. These bills will be adopted if they achieve successful voting from more than half of the voting deputies.

A national law enacted by the NPC will be promulgated by a signed presidential order from the President of the state.

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