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Haiti President Expresses Gratitude

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The President of Haiti, Rene Preval, says about 7,000 victims killed in Tuesday's earthquake have already been buried.

About 40 search-and-rescue teams from around the world were on the ground in Haiti on Thursday, looking for survivors trapped inside collapsed buildings.

Ships delivering aid could not gain access to Port-au-Prince because the Haitian capital's port was closed due to severe damage from the quake.

The city's airport is open but damaged, and can barely handle the flurry of incoming flights bringing assistance.

The Haitian President expressed his gratitude for the international effort in helping his quake ravaged country.

Rene Preval, Haitian President, said, "I am very sad because a lot of people died, a lot of people are suffering and I am very sad because my country is in great difficulty. But, I am very happy also to see how the world is with us, is helping us."

(CCTV January 16, 2009)

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