1. Compared with other similar systems, the rural population and family planning network is the most developed in terms of organizational structure, staff and information collection.
2. We believe that the current functions of the rural population and family planning network can be extended. For instance, after mandatory pre-marital health checks were abolished in China, there was an increase in infant mortality and birth defect rates. This could be addressed by the rural population and family planning network with the expansion of improved medical services in townships and villages.
3. If the functions of the rural population and family planning network are to be expanded as highlighted in Point 2, certain mechanisms would need to be improved. Some of these improvements can be made internally, whereas others would need the cooperation and commitment of the relevant government departments. A unified pension scheme, for example, would require the coordination of rural and urban departments. For the rural population and family planning network's part, it could start initiating improvements by speeding up the implementation of population policies that promote RPSS construction.
(China (Hainan) Institute for Reform and Development and translated by China Development Gateway December 20, 2007) |