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Relief Head Praises Medical Teams in Quake Zones

Chinese and international medical teams received praise on Wednesday for their work in averting any disease outbreaks in China's quake zone.

The achievement should be attributed to the painstaking efforts of medical workers, including the international teams, said Wang Zhenyao, director of disaster relief at the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

"I've seen with my own eyes how hard they've been working in the quake regions. They work long hours for many days. Some don't even have tents to shelter in and they eat very simple food," Wang told a press conference.

The death toll from the May 12 earthquake rose to 69,122 as of Wednesday noon, the State Council Information Office said.

A total of 373,606 people were injured and 17,991 remained missing since the 8.0-magnitude quake that was centered in Sichuan Province.

Ministry of Health spokesman Mao Qun'an on Monday promised prompt and transparent publication of information in the event of a public health emergency.

He said the ministry and the Sichuan provincial government had been open with all monitoring reports concerning epidemics in the quake zone.

Health authorities had organized 139,642 medical workers for earthquake relief.

Mao said the deep burial of earthquake victims had been "scientifically handled" and would not contaminate water sources. Quarantine task forces had dug deep pits and sterilized the bodies before burial.

The ministry had purchased up to 220 million yuan (US$31.7 million) worth of medical products for areas hit hard by the earthquake.

Some 1,898 tons of disinfectant had been delivered to quake areas, Mao said.

(Xinhua News Agency June 5, 2008)

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