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Vice President: China Will Surely Win Victory in Quake Relief

Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping Wednesday said the Chinese people will surely overcome all difficulties and win the victory in the quake relief work in the southwestern part of the country.

China is fully confident and determined to hold a "distinctive" and "advanced" Olympic Game, Xi said in a meeting with Filipe Paunde, Mozambique's Liberation Front Party general secretary.

Xi, also member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, expressed gratitude for the assistance of Mozambique to the quake areas, as well as its adherence to the one China policy.

The CPC and the Mozambique party have maintained frequent exchanges and cooperation has been greatly promoted, Xi said, adding he was convinced the relationship between the two nations and the two parties be enhanced in the new century.

Paunde said the Mozambique people would stand with China to deal with the natural disaster, and promote bilateral friendship in the framework of Africa-China cooperation.

(Xinhua News Agency May 28, 2008)

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