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Top Legislator Inspects Epidemic Prevention in Quake-hit Town

China's top legislator Wu Bangguo on Wednesday afternoon continued his inspection tour in southwest China's Sichuan Province by visiting the hard-hit Pingtong Town to oversee the epidemic prevention work there.

Earlier on Wednesday, Wu, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, visited a steam turbine production base in Hanwang Town, and a hospital in Deyang city. Both places were in Sichuan and battered by the massive May 12 earthquake.

On Tuesday, he visited Yingxiu Town of Wenchuan County, the epicenter of the quake, and the Zipingpu dam near Wenchuan.

He also dropped in a temporary shelter camp on Tuesday in Dujiangyan, another hard-hit city in the province, to console the victims.

Wu left Beijing on Monday to direct disaster relief work in quake-ravaged Sichuan. Shortly after his arrival at the provincial capital Chengdu, he visited a local hospital and a distribution center of relief goods.

Wu is also member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.

(Xinhua News Agency May 28, 2008)

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