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More Foreign Donations Delivered to China

Envoys of Turkey, Moldova, Vietnam and Myanmar offered donations to the Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday to help China's quake relief efforts.

Charge d'Affaires of the Turkish embassy in China Metin Kilic handed over a US$2 million cheque offered by the Turkish government to Director Song Aiguo of the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

Moldavian ambassador to China Lacov Timciuc delivered 6,500 yuan in cash donated by embassy staff, to the Chinese Foreign Ministry. He also expressed sympathy and condolences for the relatives of the victims and people in the quake-hit areas.

Vietnamese ambassador to China Tran Van Luat handed over 25,000 yuan and US$1,805 in cash to the Foreign Ministry, which is donated by embassy staff, Vietnamese reporters and citizens in Beijing.

Myanmar ambassador to China Thein Lwin offered 12,500 yuan and US$10,000 on behalf of the embassy diplomats and Myanmar entrepreneurs.

(Xinhua News Agency May 23, 2008)

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