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Foreign Ambassadors Praise for Relief Work

The Chinese government's prompt reaction to the Wenchuan earthquake has drawn praise from many foreign ambassadors to China. They say their hearts and thoughts are with the people in earthquake-hit areas.

Zigmund Bertok, ambassador of Slovakia to China, said, "The Chinese government, including Premier Wen Jiabao, promptly came to the rescue and took all necessary measures to tackle the issue. I appreciate their response. "

Anatoly Tozik, ambassador of Belarus to China, said, "As we can see, the Chinese government has been doing everything they can to help people in the earthquake-hit region."

Munshi Faiz Ahmad, ambassador of Bangladesh to China, said, "Premier Wen Jiabao rushed to the hit areas, stayed with people, and directed relief efforts. That's very impressive. The Chinese people and the government are doing everything in their power to help those in need. They have set an example for us all. Bangladesh frequently suffers from natural disasters too. During those times, the Chinese felt for us and helped us, just like we are feeling for them and helping them now."

(CCTV May 18, 2008)

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