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Museums Set up to Display Owenke Tradition

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 A Rong, a local Owenke used to make his living by hunting, displays a kind of traditional cooking in the Forest Museum in Genhe City of north China

A Rong, a local Owenke used to make his living by hunting, displays a kind of traditional cooking in the Forest Museum in Genhe City of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on August 16, 2009. Local government has set up some museums here to display the folk-custom, history and culture of the Shilu Tribe of Owenke ethnic group, which has the reputation of the "last hunting tribe in China". The museums not only help preserve the culture and history of the Owenke ethnic group but also help increase the local people's income. [Xinhua]


Tourists view a bark house used to be home of Owenke ethnic group in Genhe City of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on Aug. 16, 2009.

Tourists view a bark house used to be home of Owenke ethnic group in Genhe City of north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, on August 16, 2009. [Xinhua]


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