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Statistical Communiqué on Labor and Social Security Development in 2008

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V) Maternity Insurance

Total number of population participated in maternity insurance hit 92.54 million, a year-on-year expanding of 14.79 million persons. A total of 1.40 million persons gained benefits, with a year-on-year surging of 270 thousand persons.

The revenue and expenses of maternity insurance fund accounted for 11.4 and 7.1 billion yuan, rose 36.0 and 28.6 percent year-on-year, respectively. The accumulative balance of fund at year-end amounted to 16.8 billion yuan.

(VI) Social Insurance Fund Intendance

Fund surveillance works has gradually strengthened, and management of the fund gained further regulating. Promoted the pension fund marketization management of enterprises, identified annuity fund management qualification of 58 enterprises in 38 agencies at year-end. Enterprise annuity fund portfolio for organizational management operation hit 588, with funds stood at 97.5 billion yuan.

III. Labor Relations and Safeguard the Legitimate Rights and Interests of Laborers

The cities above county level have established tripartite coordination mechanism for labor relations. Continuing promote the three-year labor contract system to implemented plans to promote the employing units and workers in accordance with the law, and to fulfill the signing of labor contracts, the signed rate of labor contracts kept steadily increased.

76 central enterprises which implement the segmentation between major and minor businesses and restructuring of the minor businesses have been audited and approved, which involved 5,315 restructuring units, and diverted and settled 887 thousand persons.

The labor dispute arbitration committees at all levels dealed with 964 thousands labor dispute cases (including unclosed dispute cases in previous year). Of which, mediation before putting on record totaled 693 thousand cases; that of labor disputes by putting on record amounted to 237 thousand cases. In the labor disputes cases which have put on record increased 98.0 percent year-on-year, involved 1214 thousand laborers. Of the total, collective labor dispute cases topped 22 thousand, which involved 503 thousand employees. The claim settlement of labor disputes cases after put on record was 623 thousand, with 86 percent of claim settlement rate. The accumulative unclosed cases amounted for 104 thousand at year-end.

Labor and social security supervision organization totaled 3291 in national wide at the end of 2008, formation rate was 94.7 percent. Full-time inspectors of labor and social security for Department of Labor and Social Security at all levels reached 23 thousand persons.

Nationwide focused on the special inspections such as wages payment of migrant workers, cleaned up and rectified the labor market order, punished illegal employments, cracked down on crimes, and employers comply with the "Labor Contract Law", and other special inspection activities, initiatively checked 1808 thousand employers throughout the year, 1712 thousand employers carried though the written examination, investigated and settled reported cases of complaints and various labor and social security illegal cases accounted for 481 and 483 thousand cases. Through labor security supervision of law enforcement, ordered the employers resigned the labor contract with 15617 thousand laborers, charged the employers reissue the wages amounted to 8.33 billion yuan to 6.98 million laborers, urged the 164 thousand employers made a supplementary payment topped 4.9 billion yuan for social insurances, and 1260 thousand employers transacted the social insurance registration and declaration, banned 7192 illegal occupation agencies, and ordered the employers reimbursed risk mortgages payments valued at 89 million yuan to the laborers.

IV. Wage Distribution

The annual average wages of on-duty staff and workers in urban units amounted to 29,229 yuan, a year-on-year jumping of 17.2 percent, after deducting the price factor, a real increasing of 11.0 percent. The annual average wage of on-duty staff and workers in state-owned units reached 31,005 yuan; that of in urban collective-owned units valued at 18,338 yuan; that of in other ownership units totaled 28,387 yuan. The daily average wages of on-duty staff and workers in urban units was 111.99 yuan, went up 12.68 yuan year-on-year.

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