Statistical Communiqué of the People's Republic of China on the 2009 National Economic and Social Development
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VII. Transportation, Post, Telecommunications and Tourism
The value added of the transportation, storage, post and telecommunication sectors reached 1,705.8 billion yuan in 2009, up 3.7 percent over the previous year.

The volume of freight handled by ports above the designated size throughout the year totaled 6.91 billion tons, up 8.2 percent over the previous year, of which freight for foreign trade was 2.14 billion tons, up 8.6 percent. Container shipping handled 120.82 million standard containers, down by 5.8 percent.
The total number of motor vehicles for civilian use reached 76.19 million (including 13.31 million tri-wheel motor vehicles and low-speed trucks) by the end of 2009, up 17.8 percent, of which private-owned vehicles numbered 52.18 million, up 25.0 percent. The total number of cars for civilian use stood at 31.36 million, up by 28.6 percent, of which private-owned cars numbered 26.05 million, up by 33.8 percent.
The turnover of post and telecommunication services totaled 2,731.3 billion yuan, up 14.6 percent over the previous year. Of this total, post services accounted for 163.2 billion yuan, up 16.4 percent, and telecommunication services 2,568.1 billion yuan, up 14.4 percent. By the end of 2009, with a decrease of 16.44 million lines of office switchboards, the total capacity stood at 492.19 million lines. The newly increased capacity of mobile phone switchboard was 275.80 million lines with the total capacity reaching 1,421.11 million lines. The year also saw 313.69 million fixed telephone subscribers. This included 211.78 million urban subscribers and 101.91 million rural subscribers. Mobile phone users numbered 747.38 million by the end of 2009, with 106.14 million new subscribers in the year. In total, the number of fixed and mobile phone users reached 1,061.07 million, an increase of 79.47 million as compared with that at the end of 2008. Phone coverage is 79.9 sets per 100 persons. The number of Internet users was 380 million, of which wide-band users were 350 million, and the coverage rate of Internet was 28.9 percent.
The year 2009 saw 1.90 billion domestic tourists, up 11.1 percent over the previous year. The revenue from domestic tourism totaled 1,018.4 billion yuan, up 16.4 percent. The number of inbound visitors to China totaled 126.48 million, a year-on-year decline of 2.7 percent. Of this total, 21.94 million were foreigners, down 9.8 percent; and 104.54 million were Chinese compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, down 1.1 percent. Of all the inbound tourists, overnight visitors counted 50.88 million, down 4.1 percent. Foreign exchange earnings from international tourism topped US$39.7 billion, down 2.9 percent. The number of China’s outbound visitors totaled 47.66 million, up 4.0 percent. Of this total, 42.21 million were on private visits, a year-on-year rise of 5.2 percent, or 88.6 percent of all outgoing visitors.
VIII. Financial Intermediation
By the end of 2009, money supply of broad sense (M2) was 60.6 trillion yuan, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 27.7 percent. Money supply of narrow sense (M1) was 22.0 trillion yuan, up 32.4 percent. Cash in circulation (M0) was 3.8 trillion yuan, up 11.8 percent.
Savings deposit in Renminbi and foreign currencies in all items of financial institutions totaled 61.2 trillion yuan at the end of 2009, an increase of 13.2 tirllion yuan. Of this total, the savings deposit in Renminbi stood at 59.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 13.1 trillionyuan. Loans in Renminbi and foreign currencies in all items of financial institutions reached 42.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 10.5 trillion yuan. Of this total, that in Renminbi was 40.0 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.6 trillion yuan.
Table 14: Savings Deposit and Loans in RMB and Foreign Currencies in All Financial Institutions and the Growth Rates in 2009
Unit: 100 million yuan
Item |
Year-end figure |
Increase over 2008 (%) |
Savings deposit |
612006 |
27.7 |
Of which: By enterprises |
224357 |
36.5 |
By urban and rural households |
264761 |
19.5 |
Of which: Deposits in RMB |
260772 |
19.7 |
Loans |
425597 |
33.0 |
Of which: Short-term |
151353 |
17.7 |
Medium and long-term |
235579 |
43.5 |
Loans in Renminbi from rural financial cooperation institutions (i.e. rural credit cooperatives, rural cooperation banks, and rural commercial banks) totaled 4.7 trillion yuan by the end of 2009, an increase of 972.7 billion yuan as compared with the beginning of 2009. The loans in Renminbi for consumption use from all financial institutions totaled 5.5 trillion yuan, an increase of 1,797.6 billion yuan. Of all consumption loans, short-term loans for individuals totaled 0.6 trillion yuan, an increase of 246.5 billion yuan, and medium- and long-term loans for individuals reached 4.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 1,551.1 billion yuan.
Funds raised in 2009 by enterprises through issuing stocks and share rights on stock market amounted to 365.3 billion yuan, an increase of 125.5 billion yuan over the previous year. Of this total, 99 A-shares were issued, receiving 206.2 billion yuan worth of capital altogether, an increase of 99.5 billion yuan. The refinancing of A-shares (including rationing shares, public newly issued, nonpublic newly issued and warrants) received 159.1 billion yuan worth of capital altogether, an increase of 25.9 billion yuan over 2008. The listed companies financed 81.3 billion yuan through convertible bonds, bonds with attached warrants and corporate bonds, a decrease of 18.5 billion yuan. A total of 36 growth enterprise board stocks were issued for the first time, receiving 20.4 billion yuan.
In 2009, corporate funds raised by the non-listed companies reached 425.2 billion yuan, an increase of 188.5 billion yuan over that in the previous year. The short-term financing funds of enterprises were 461.2 billion yuan, an increase of 28.1 billion yuan; and the medium-term notes were 698.7 billion yuan, an increase of 525.0 billion yuan. Funds raised by medium- and small-sized enterprises through collection notes reached 1.27 billion yuan.
The premium received by the insurance companies totaled 1,113.7 billion yuan in 2009, up 13.8 percent over the previous year. Of this total, life insurance premium amounted to 745.7 billion yuan, health and casualty insurance premium 80.4 billion yuan, and property insurance premium 287.6 billion yuan. Insurance companies paid an indemnity worth of 312.5 billion yuan, of which, life insurance indemnity was 126.9 billion yuan, health and casualty insurance indemnity 28.1 billion yuan, and property insurance indemnity 157.6 billion yuan.