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April Auto Exports Up 69% from Year Earlier

China exported 71,000 motor vehicles in April, up 6.56 percent month-on-month and 69.46 percent year-on-year, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said on Thursday.

This was the first time monthly exports exceeded the 70,000 mark, it added.

Motor vehicle imports totaled 37,700, down 7.19 percent from a month earlier but up 58.68 percent over the year-earlier level.

The imports included 14,222 cars, down 2.64 percent month-on-month but up 38.44 percent year-on-year, 3,166 minivans, up 16.1 percent month-on-month or 78.17 percent year-on-year, and 18,574 off-road vehicles, down 13.65 percent from a month earlier but up 74.39 percent year-on-year.

(Xinhua News Agency June 5, 2008)

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