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China to Facilitate Farm Produce Exports

China is to provide more aid to farm produce exporters, aiming to spur the export boom.


According to a document, issued by the State Council and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Monday, China will build more farm produce exporting bases and promote product sanitation and quality inspection.


The government pledges to cut fees and simplify procedures on quality inspection, giving priority to live products so they can pass customs more rapidly.


The central government and relevant agricultural associations will provide more training to farmers on modern agricultural technologies and international marketing.


China has been accelerating exports of agricultural products with exports jumping 70 percent from US$16 billion in 2001 to US$27.18 billion in 2005.


Statistics from the Ministry of Commerce showed China raked in US$31.03 billion from farm-product exports in 2006, up 14.1 percent year on year. The ministry predicts the figure will reach US$38 billion by 2010.


(Xinhua News Agency January 30, 2007)

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