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Rate of Premature Births on the Rise in High-stress Cities

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Regular checks

Some premature births can be prevented.

Before getting pregnant, women with diabetes, high blood pressure and other health conditions should check with their doctors. Early and regular pregnancy checks, once or twice a month, can identify problems, and medication and other measures can be prescribed.

All pregnant women should eat a balanced diet with plenty of protein, and fresh fruits and vegetables. Rest, minimal stress and a calm mood are important.

In cases of bleeding, women should see their doctor and get to a hospital in case of early labor.

Obviously, the belly should be protected and pressure on it should be minimized; women should avoid heavy lifting and standing, crouching and reaching high for long periods.

Pregnant women should watch their step and avoid falls. They should check with their doctors about when to avoid sexual intercourse.

In premature babies, organ systems have not fully developed; the babies have lower immunity, often poor respiration and digestion and slower growth; in severe cases there may be cerebral palsy, epilepsy, developmental and behavior disorders.

However, many non-extreme cases do very well, and early pregnancy checks and intervention are important.

Parents should follow doctors' advice about care, special formula, massage and exercise.

Regular checkups, once every one or two months, are important for early diagnosis of possible problems and intervention, says Dr Qin Yan, associate chief physician of the Newborn Department of Shanghai No. 1 Maternity and Child Health Hospital. "This can greatly reduce the rate of cerebral palsy and vision problems - and early prevention is cost effective."

It only costs 100 yuan (US$15) to 200 yuan to diagnose possible cerebral palsy within six months of birth, but later treatment is very expensive, says Ma Jianian, secretary general of the Premature Baby Aid Fund.

Ninety percent of these infants can recover well with timely treatment but it is important not to miss the treatment window.

Most big hospitals in Shanghai offer checks for premature babies. Since November, the Premature Baby Aid Fund has offered free checks for cerebral palsy and vision problems.

Premature babies can get free checkups at the Children's Hospital of Fudan University, as long as the parents provide a birth certificate and proof of residence.

(Shanghai Daily December 14, 2010)


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