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HK Promotes Gradual E-learning Development

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The government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region will adopt a gradual and progressive approach to promote e-learning resource development, a local education official said on Saturday.

Under Secretary for Education Kenneth Chen said schools should consider the use of e-learning resources according to their own needs and situation, adding the local government will not force them to replace textbooks with e-learning resources.

Although traditional textbooks still play an important role in education, the e-learning resources development will help students learn in more interesting and effective ways, he said.

To help teachers with less experience use e-learning resources, the Working Group on Development of Textbooks and e-Learning Resources will explore ways to develop a platform for the sector to exchange knowledge. It is now considering forming a database at HK Education City which allows teachers to share useful skills and resources.

(Xinhua News Agency April 26, 2009)

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