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Abused Women Need to Open up for Support

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Chinese women, victimized by domestic violence, must open themselves up to professional support to heal their emotional trauma.

The All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) indicates that women are easy targets for common domestic violence, since figures show the social problem occurring in 30 percent of China's 270 million families. Women are the victims in 85 percent of the abuse cases.

Nevertheless, female victims often choose to remain silent or turn to their friends or relatives for 'social support,' instead of applying for legal aid or professional psychological counseling. China already has a system in place for women in need of such assistance.

The Maple Women's Psychological Counseling Center Beijing, a non-government organization, focuses on helping women in desperate situations by offering emotional consolation and advice to resolve their difficulties. Each year, about 90 women who suffer from abusive relationships come to the Maple for help.

Women should become aware of their ordeal and learn to protect themselves and their children.

"Increasing awareness to change attitudes and influence behavior amongst people from all walks of life is essential to preventing and ending violence against women", said Ms. Julia Broussard, Country Program Manager of the United Nations Development Fund for Women, as she introduced UN Secretary General's Campaign "United to End Violence Against Women" during a conference jointly held by the ACWF and the United Nations in China.

The event, launched in Beijing on Thursday November 25, the International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women, marked the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence.

( November 27, 2010)